Your concept search was: granular
Documents found by matching keyword prefixes and concept-based associations:
66% What Determines the Direction of Granular Convection? (summary)
66% Driven Dissipative Gases: Phase Transitions in Simple Granular Materials (summary)
64% Stress Distributions in a Two-dimensional Granular Material (summary)
64% Effects of Controlled Wetting on the Repose Angle in Granular Media (summary)
64% Spectral Statistics of Global Avalanches along Granular Piles (summary)
62% Reversibility and Irreversibility in the Packing of Vibrated Granular Material (summary)
62% Stress Distributions in a Two-dimensional Granular Material (summary)
62% The Anomalous Magnetoresistance in the Granular Metal-Insulator Materials Near the Pecolation Threshold (summary)
60% Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Particle Dynamics in a Rotating Drum Mixer (summary)
58% The GMR Effect in Melt-Spun Co-Cu Granular Magnetic Materials (summary)
58% Force Fluctuations in Granular Media (summary)
58% Propagation of Acoustic Perturbations in Granular Columns (summary)
58% Avalanche Segregation of Granular Media Poured into a Hele-Shaw Cell (summary)
58% Cluster Formation Due to Collisions in Driven Granular Material (summary)
58% Observation of Granular Superconductivity in Polycrystalline Sm_2-xCe_xCuO_4-y (summary)
58% FMR Study on Ag_1-xCo_x Granular films (summary)
58% Stratification Mechanism in Granular Mixtures. (summary)
56% Magnetic Studies on Granular Thin Films Prepared by the Spark Erosion Technique (summary)
56% Observation of Spectral Signatures of 1/f Dynamics in Avalanches on Granular Piles (summary)
54% Effect of velocity gradients on the dynamics of flowing grains (summary)